
Restore the Republic

Let’s work together to preserve America for our future and children’s future and restore the founding principles.

Who Are We?

The Independent American Patriots is a private membership association dedicated to preserving the Independence, Lives, and Pursuit of Happiness of the American Patriot & the Traditional American Family.

For twenty-five years we operated publicly on the political level to restore the Principles of Good Governance to prevent the subversion of our once great Nation.

Now that the downfall of our nation is well underway, the Independent American Patriots have formed out of the remnants of a political movement of Independent Americans, we now assemble privately as our Founding Fathers did to work together and seek Divine Providence to restore and preserve our way of life.

Independent American Patriots understand that self-sufficiency, resilience, and trade through private association to be the bedrock of our liberty.  We are faithful to our Great Father in Heaven in safeguarding the Inalienable and Natural Rights of Humanity.  We have a duty to continue to tell the history of our nation and our ancestors and their struggle against subjugation to preserve the sovereignty of future generations.

On July 4th, 2023, we announced that the remaining active members of our national political party had voted to reorganize into a private membership association and had chosen to reorganize under the name “Independent American Patriots”.  One year later, on July 4th, 2024, the Independent American Patriots announced that it had completed the process and announced the new leadership structure that will carry the Independent American Patriots forward.

The Independent American Patriots will continue to consult with Independent Americans who have active political campaigns through the end of this election cycle but will not be taking on new commitments.  Our focus is on building our organization with like-minded patriots who are determined to do their part to survive and thrive through the failure of our society to rebuild a better community.  We believe that our Eternal Father is in control of all things including the rise and fall of nations, it is to him we place our hope and faith and act on our promptings to receive his wisdom.

Our Mission

Is to promote respect for life, liberty, and property; strong traditional families; patriotism; and individual, state, and national sovereignty — with a strong reliance on the Declaration of Independence and allegiance to the Constitution for the United States of America — by petition to God and by political and educational means.
Thomas Jefferson -
“If the debt which the banking companies owe be a blessing to anybody, it is to themselves alone"
Benjamin Franklin -
"Hence ’Tis a Common Observation here that our Cause is the Cause of all Mankind; and that we are fighting for their Liberty in defending our own. ’Tis a glorious Task assign’d us by Providence; ."
John F Kennedy -
"The same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God."
George Washington -
"For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter."
Maximilien Robespierre -
"The Secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping then ignorant."

The Platform

Independent Americans from across the nation are suffering from the persecution of the traditional American family at the hands of our own government.  The Independent American Patriots was founded on fifteen principles of good government and has adopted the five pillars of liberty enshrined in granite on the National Monument to the Forefathers as our working model to restore the Republic.  We use our nation’s Founding Documents and additional correspondence and available records from the beginning of our country to model our platform on.

The traditional American family, Natural Law, and Personal Responsibility are key areas of focus for us now along with key national, economic, legislative, judicial, and geopolitical cornerstone issues.  Our new platform is currently being revised by our Platform Committee led by 3rd Vice Chair Leo Lindquist.

Join the IAP today!

People are looking for answers that will turn the United States of America, into what it used to be – a voice for limited government, a hands-off foreign policy, and fiscal sanity.

Join the IAP and make a difference for your school, city, county and posterity.

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