
Officers & Committees

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Lonny Ray Williams


Lonny Ray Williams

Political Experience
Extensive experience working with the Executive Branch, Congressional, and Legislative offices in the U.S. Army Presidential Honor Guard at Fort Myer, Virginia, at the Military District of Washington Emergency Operations Center in Fort McNair, Washington DC, as a federal employee working for the Department of the Interior, and later working for a Republican Presidential appointee in the EPA. I also have experience working with elected officials on the construction of a moving and storage center in the transportation industry. Recent Candidate for Representative in Washington State 7th Legislative District. Former Washington State Coordinator and current National Independent American Patriots Chairman.

Other Professional Experience
Parent of six children and two stepchildren. Editor and Author of The Pamphlet, a monthly publication about history, liberty, and civic responsibility. Hobby Farmer and educator in self-sufficiency. Executive Office Manager for the Republican Appointed Regional Administrator, USEPA, Executive Office Manager for the Superfund and Emergency Management Division, USEPA, Executive Office Manager, Storage Manager, and Field Relief Manager for U-Haul International of Northwest Washington. Federal service in the US Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, US Department of the Interior National Park Service, US Army Military District of Washington Emergency Operations Center, US Army Presidential Honor Guard, US Army Infantry Air Assault.

Four years of post-secondary education at Pierce College, University of Phoenix, and DeVry University. Primary fields of study were Philosophy, Business Management, and Project Management respectively. Various professional pieces of training related to Federal Agency employment as well as private sector employment, these areas of study often focused on management practices, communications, and team building. US Army Air Assault School, US Army Infantry Training School. Woods Cross High School, School of hard knocks on my father’s Appaloosa and Quarter Horse ranch

Community Service
Four years of active duty in the United States Army. While in service was awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Army Achievement Medal Second Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Service Ribbon, Presidential Fitness Award, and various Department of the Army Commendations. Faithful public service in Departments and Agencies previously listed. Lecturer and Instructor of self-sufficiency and emergency preparedness to communities. Service work through secular and non-secular organizations providing firewood and other services to needy families. Volunteer researcher, writer, and editor of THE PAMPHLET, a monthly publication about our history and responsibilities to liberty. Washington State Coordinator Independent American Party.

leo lindquist

Vice President

Leo Lindquist

Leo was born prematurely on May 1, 1951, weighing in at 3 lbs. 9 /12 oz., in St. Paul, Minnesota (Minne-snow-ta). Looking back he senses he came into this world on the 175th birthday of the founding of the Illuminati, to help rid the world of their existence. What a wonderful birthday present, it would be, to someday know, that such evil combinations no longer have a deceptive hold on society. The old saying that “knowledge is power” is especially true when one is trying to help others see both the lies and the truths that are about us.

He feels blessed to have come from a family, which remembered to put Old Glory out each holiday and to have a father who had only an 8th-grade education and taught Leo many good points about correct political principles. Like his father, Leo enjoys reading, specifically information and books about politics and diet. He helped campaign for Ron Paul in both the 2008 and 2012 election cycles.

His formal schooling was completed in St. Paul, and he completed one year of Automotive Mechanics after high school at a vocational school. He has had various jobs, but for most of his life, his working career has been in the transportation sector, as both employee and employer specifically repairing cars and small trucks. A few years were spent working as a mechanic on the class 8 trucks (semis), with some time in the parts dept. including shipping and receiving.

He woke up to the corruption in the two major parties, after listening to and watching George Bush, Sr. talks about the New World Order, during one of his State of the Union addresses. Further evidence of such double dealings in the two major parties made even more sense when his 95-year-old father voted for Ralph Nader in the 2000 election. He asked his father why he supported a third-party candidate and his dad said: “I remember every election since Woodrow Wilson. The Republicans and the Democrats have had control of the White House and/or Congress my entire life and still, nothing changes. Either they don’t know what they are doing or they’re doing it on purpose.” Leo couldn’t refute the simple logic of his dad.

Leo enjoys being of service to others as time permits. Sometimes all it takes is a phone call, email, a letter, or, heaven forbid, even one of his dumb, punny jokes, to help someone who is having challenges. He has also served for a number of years on the local school board and discovered that the word “independent” as part of the school district’s name is hardly appropriate, due to the various federal and state regulations that tie the Board’s hands.

leslie williams

National Secretary

Leslie Williams

I was born in the city, raised, and lived in the same city until 2016 when I married Lonny Ray. I spent most of my life working multiple jobs while raising kids. Most of the time “stealing from Peter to pay Paul”.

In my free time, I would teach my children their rights. I tried to help them learn and understand The Constitution, and I was active in fighting for those rights. I was active in the Tea Party. I volunteered my time with “Freedom Works” and a few times helped Sen Mike Lee with his campaigns. I also worked with them on the campaign and the fight against Common Core. I started to become very active against corruption during Obama’s campaign for President. Most of my adult life has been some sort of activism in the political world, standing up for what is right but staying in the back to not draw too much attention.

Lonny Ray and I got married and I moved out of state to live with him in Washington. “Freedom Works” was not active in my area, so I just fell back to voicing my opinions on social media. After much prayer and thought, providence God, moved us to Republic, Washington. Our goal since moving here is to grow close to God as a family, become as self-sufficient as possible, and raise our children to be responsible good citizens. The COVID pandemic shut down our State and Country along with our stores, restaurants, and churches. When everything opened again our church opened with the restrictions, and with that came new rules for those who were “allowed” to go to church. Needless to say, our family was not on the list of those that were allowed to go back to church. One Sunday morning after 6 months of not being allowed at church, while crying, I looked at Lonny and said, “Someone must do something. This is not right; our rights are being taken away from us.” That was when THE PAMPHLET was born.


I am the owner of a monthly publication teaching our country’s history and the tyranny they fought. We compare the tyranny of then to the tyranny of today. If we learn from our past, we can fight the tyranny of today. We teach civic duties and responsibilities. We teach freedom and liberty. THE PAMPHLET is handed out for free. With the option of buying subscriptions and donating, to help fund the ministry. THE PAMPHLET is now in all 50 states, and 59 countries around the world. The eighteen-hour days that are put in between the family, farm, and THE PAMPHLET are all done for the love of our country. The countless hours that I put in on the administrative side while changing dirty diapers and rearing a family are for the freedom of all Americans.