Greetings fellow citizens and freedom-loving Americans:
I am Leo R. Lindquist, Vice President of the Independent American Patriots (IAP)
I was born and raised in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes taxes.
My late wife and I had five sons (one died as a premie), but the remaining four are very aware of what is taking place negatively in our nation and share constitutional solutions with others like all of us can do.
I was in the transportation industry most of my life, especially as a mechanic, so when there’s a problem – it needs to be fixed. Like most of you, I have heard promises from politicians – for decades – from both Republicans and Democrats, that they were going to fix problems in our Republic, but, instead, the trouble continued to grow. So we’re left with two options: 1 – the lawmakers don’t know what they’re doing (unlikely) or 2 – they’re doing stupid things on purpose.
I have found the latter to be true, so that’s the reason for my involvement in the IAP currently and other organizations in the past. I have discovered that it isn’t that hard to have a positive influence in the region where you live. Most of the politicians and elected officials are just doing their jobs, not looking to rock the boat. It doesn’t take much to be better informed on a subject than the majority of your officials.
For myself, my main interests are: the United Nations (Get the US out of the UN); the Second Amendment; and so-called “free” trade agreements. I find it overwhelming to keep up with every possible issue, so I focus mainly on the ones I have mentioned.
Keep it simple when discussing political issues and ask questions as often as possible, since if you use that technique properly, you will corner your opponent.
The famous author Robert Louis Stevenson purportedly said, “Don’t focus on
the harvest, focus on the seeds that you’re sowing.” Good advice, plus it really works.
May God bless America!